
Posts Tagged ‘purhcase’


There are so many factors that can influence how well your vacation goes like weather, delayed flights, lost baggage and medical emergencies.  While these are not things we like to think about when trying to get away and relax, there are measures we can take to help alleviate the stress of these issues should any occur including purchasing travel insurance.  I always recommend and quote travel insurance for my clients and can attest to the validity of such a purchase as we have had to use it several times.

On our recent cruise the end of April, we had such an experience happen to us.   Our young son one day was rushed to the ship’s doctor in the middle of the afternoon.   While everything was fine quickly – thank goodness – the fees for such a service were expensive (although we would have paid whatever it took!)

By having travel insurance we are able to claim these expenses with the proper documentation provided by the cruise line.    With our insurance provider we filed the claim electronically as soon as we returned from our trip and we simply mailed in the documentation.  We could have claimed it on our health insurance but the amount would have been applied to our deductible.  Some health care policies do not cover you when you travel internationally.

Travel insurance is something you need that you hope you never have to use.    Some good advice – always get a quote for travel insurance, check with your health care plan to see if you are covered while traveling internationally, and be prepared for the unexpected challenges that change a vacation. 

Our vacation turned out to be a wonderful (and learning) experience – thankfully we had a happy ending! 

Have you encountered such a challenge when traveling?

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